Communiquer pour sauver des vies : une table ronde vitale et gratuite concernant les services linguistiques lors d’interventions d’urgence
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Quand : 27 février, 12h00 – 13h30 HNE | Événement virtuel Dans les moments critiques où…
Read MoreComunicación que salva vidas: una mesa redonda gratuita e imprescindible sobre los servicios lingüísticos de respuesta ante emergencias
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Cuándo: 27 de febrero, de 12:00 p. m. a 1:30 p. m. hora del este | Evento virtual En momentos…
Read MoreLifesaving Communication: A Free Vital Roundtable on Emergency Response Language Services
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt When: February 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST | Virtual Event In critical moments when…
Read MoreTruyền đạt về Cứu sinh: Buổi Tọa đàm Quan trọng Miễn phí về Dịch vụ Ngôn ngữ trong Ứng phó Khẩn cấp
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Thời gian: Ngày 27 tháng 2, 12:00 trưa – 1:30 chiều EST | Sự kiện Trực…
Read MoreHow to Translate Your Website: 3 Key Considerations
You’ve launched a website for your business or organization. Congratulations! Now, what next? If you want to reach an even wider audience for your…
Read MoreHow to Recognize and Implement Quality Interpreting (Hint: It Doesn’t Involve Your Bilingual Staff)
With a set of quality standards in place, it is possible to make healthcare accessible to limited English proficiency individuals without delaying patient care…
Read MoreMachine Translation vs. Human Translation: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the World’s Second Oldest Profession?
Translators pride themselves on being excellent communicators, and so they should. After all, it’s their job! But sometimes, even the best communicators can talk…
Read MoreBreaking Intercultural Communication Barriers in Business
Have you ever sensed that you offended someone in a work setting without understanding why? Or have you ever worked with someone from another…
Read More7 Tips for Crushing an International Meeting Remotely, According to an Interpreter
As millions around the globe have moved their classes and even social gatherings online, international business and meetings between speakers of different languages look…
Read MoreHow to Avoid the Pitfalls of Free Online Translation Tools
Ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, Chinese authorities conducted a city-wide correction campaign to fix embarrassing translation gaffes. The mistranslations included signs…
Read More6 Reasons to Subtitle Your Social Media Videos for Better Engagement
By Molly Yurick Updated: January 6, 2025 I’ve been a subtitler and translator for well over a decade, working with streaming giants like Netflix…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Misinformation: Cross-Border Strategies PR Pros Should be Thinking About
At a time when misinformation and fake news are running rampant, communication, and more specifically the written word, is arguably more important than ever.…
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