ATA certification is a distinction that can open doors to new business and higher compensation. ATA offers several ways to show your clients and employers that you have earned this credential.
CT Designation
An ATA-certified translator may use the letters CT as a designation of certification status—an effective way to identify yourself as serious about your profession. The CT designation may not be used in a misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent, or illegal manner, or for other improper purposes.
The CT designation must be:
- in capital letters
- in type or lettering no larger than that of the designated member's name
- set solid without a period or space after each letter of the designation
Example of format: Jane Doe, CT
The CT designation should include the language pair and direction.
Where possible, the language pair(s) and direction(s) of the certification should be provided to most accurately reflect the certification.
Examples of format options:
- Jane Doe, CT (Spanish into English)
- Jane Doe, CT (Spanish>English)
- Jane Doe, American Translators Association-Certified Translator from Spanish into English
Use of the CT designation depends on maintaining your certification.
Individuals who fail to maintain their certification must immediately discontinue using the CT designation and remove all references to their ATA certification.
The CT designation is owned by ATA.
All uses of the CT designation are subject to review and approval by ATA. ATA also reserves the right to take legal or other action to protect its rights in the event of any unauthorized or impermissible use of the CT designation.
ATA-Certified Translator Seal

Developed for the exclusive use of ATA-certified translators, this seal allows clients and employers to quickly recognize your credentials. You can add this seal to your résumé and business cards, include it in a certification of accuracy statement, or use it to create a stamp or embosser.
In addition to your name and language combination, the seal includes instructions for verifying your certification status online.
How to use your seal
ATA provides sample Certification of Accuracy Statements and shows you how to use your seal.
Learn More
Get Noticed 24/7
Create or update your profile for the ATA Language Services Directory to highlight your services and reach clients.
Don’t Lose Your Credentials
ATA-certified translators must fulfill the continuing education requirement to maintain their certification.
Take the Challenge
Do you have what it takes to become ATA certified? Find out about the exam, who should take it, and how to prepare.