Céline Browning
Kate Deimling
Christina Green
Tim Gregory
Erin Riddle
Caitilin Walsh
Sijin Xian
The recognition of excellence in a translator's work by his or her peers is one of the greatest rewards for accomplishment. The Honors and Awards Committee was established to present annual and biennial awards to encourage, honor, and publicize outstanding achievements of professional and student translators.
The Committee is asked to do the following:
- coordinate the promotion and solicitation of the Lewis Galantière and Ungar German Translation Awards with ATA Headquarters staff;
- select award recipients according to the criteria stated for each award;
- notify the ATA Board of Directors of the Committee's selections; and
- arrange for the presentation of the awards during ATA's Annual Conference.
To learn more about the awards and to view past winners, see ATA Honors and Awards Program.